Any really dedicated Lush Cosmetics fan will have their own personal method for using a bubble bar! However, they often forget that to the average person, a bubble bar is a confusing experience! I mean, why have bubble bath in a solid form? I'll tell you why- because it REALLY works!
A mini lush Comforter bubble bar from the 'Bunty' gift set from Lush Cosmetics!
So... why solid bubble bars? Why not a liquid bubble bath?
One of Lush's main priorities other than making you smell great is to protect our environment, as she is pretty lovely and plastic bottles don't do her much good! No packaging = No waste = Happy planet! I also find that the bubble bars work better than liquid bubble bath, as long as you know how to use them!
How expensive are bubble bars?
This changes a lot but they range from about £3.00 to £4.50 and this depends on the size! It probably seems like a lot, as it's similar to the price of a bath bomb and hey, bath bombs are way more fun right? True but bubble bars can be cut into pieces and used more than once! (unless you are feeling particularly greedy!) Meaning they are still a pretty expensive way to bathe in bubbles but not quite as ridiculous as people are thinking!
How much of a bubble bar should I use?
This is such a difficult question! It depends on the bubble bar! I would personally cut a full size 'Comforter' bubble bar into about 6 pieces and a smaller bubble bar such as a 'Karma' bubble bar into about 3 pieces! However this is up to you! How bubbly do you like your bath? Also how powerful is your bathroom tap?
The more powerful the water pressure- the better the results!
If you have jet taps or a power shower you could probably use even smaller amounts of a bubble bar than this!
METHOD ONE: Crumble under the tap!
Probably the classic method of lush bubble bars, you run the water at the perfect temperature, crumble the bar under the running tap, maybe 'swooshing' around the water as you do it! Simple, works well enough! Only con to this is if your taps don't run at a nice temperature (mine don't, it's hot or cold) is you could hurt yourself!
This method is a bit experimental, you cut off the end of some old tights, pop the bubble bar into the tights and tie it to the tap and let the bubbles flow out! This method is good because you don't have to constantly have your hands under the tap but it's probably also the most effort as nobody wants to have to 'prepare' to have a bubble bath!
Nice and simple, put your bubble bar piece in a sieve and hold under the tap! Stops your hand getting wet and lets the bubbles flow! I think this method probably gives the most bubbles, whilst tights and crumbling methods are pretty equal! This is the method I use the most often as the more bubbles- the better!
Bubble bars are a colourful, environmentally-friendly and exciting way to bathe in mountains of bubbles just like the movie stars! I love them!
I've never tried anything from Lush, so this was really helpful. Thanks a lot!